Monday, August 27, 2007

Dreams of Destiny (Ch. 3)

Your soundtrack: Destiny - Stratoverius (Probably misspelled)

The cool mist wrapped around me like a velvet glove as I tussled with my cloak in my sleep. Something was wrong, the dreams didn't stop, even when I woke...

"Guan, you have to go, this is your destiny, stop trying to hide from the truth and listen to me!" Was this a turtle that was talking to me now? Geez, maybe I needed a doctor...or just to hit myself. Too much revelry apparently makes Guan a very confused person. I was still dreaming, must've killed the alarm again. Damn those easy to cast thunder spells. I sighed, rolling out of bed and heading to the locker to pull something out for breakfast. Hmmmm, cranberry marmalade with some bagels, sounds like a plan.

"A much better plan would be to go to the shrine and pay attention," said the jar of marmalade, which I promptly dropped, and it shattered on the floor, much to my moogle, Kaporegi's, chagrin. "See, you won't be making sense until you resolve this, you know what you need to do."

As Kapo looked at me questioningly, I simply asked, "I suppose you didn't hear that, did you?" The poor moogle shook his head, and I nodded, turning and heading back to my room, "If I'm not back in a week, let the Warriors know that I might not be returning for me, and feel free to distribute my things."

"But Master, you can't just leave that way, they need your help to train!" Kapo was always so sensible and energetic, and I admit was a reason I was able to maintain my sanity in the recent weeks that this had been going on.

"Tell Masters Kenshin and Doc what is going on. I'm sure that they'll probably know more about it than I do, but I'm going to this mystic shrine now...we'll see what happens from there." I bowed my head to my old friend, and vanished into the thick darkness that enveloped my room. The only beacon from within - a small solitary flame of a crimson cinnamon-scented candle that Tess gave me long ago, and that I used for meditation. I sat on my zabuton and breathed in deeply, focusing my spirit towards its origins, and traveled.

I ducked to the side just in time to save the feather from being sliced off my hat by a scythe's swing intended to decapitate me. "Ah, lucky for me Dark Knights can't aim worth a damn." Of course, I was in such a rush to move I didn't have buffs cast, "Very bad RDM form," I thought to myself, and cast Gravity on the being, my Auster's Staff coming easily into my hands as I unleashed the spell and dashed back out of its range and adding the barrage of armors that I'd studied, and a Barsilence just for good measure while listening to the speech with pretty much disinterest. The typical I'm so-and-so and I'm here to kill you had gotten old by this part, but when I tuned back in, fully buffed, I hear:

"That would imply you think me a simple Dark Knight. I'm a composite, just like you are, Guan." A small smile seemed to come to the creature's face, though it was mostly shadowed by helm and armor. "Do you want me to repeat it for you now that you're paying attention?"



Blogger Alison the Amazing Thief said...

I am curious to see what this pesky little dark knight thing wants from you. I think I know but I dieing to find out how it works. I like this new way of telling the Guankim story.

August 29, 2007 at 4:28:00 PM EST  

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