Thursday, May 31, 2007

One full month later...

...but yes, I haven't died...well, twice knocked silly while running around as a samurai, mind you, but nay, I still exist. My times are quite...skittish recently, and between a combination of overtime and other menial tasks, the adventuring that I have been doing is quite little. So you get a small blog as well with basically a list of recap things that I don't have much time to describe. Gee, how kind to the journal I am, ne?

1) Went with LoH to kill for Diorite, later came to help kill Genbu and Kirin. Sadly, the other sky days, didn't get to go play with the other gods. ; ;
2) Got all jobs up to a minimum of level 20, a step on the mini-goal of clearing lower level gear from my MH clutter. Not being able to login at regular times really adds to the incentive of just grabbing a small job and soloing or going with a few friends, though.
3) Ran about getting Kazham keys for three people, which proved to be not as time-consuming as I remembered, even going RDM/WHM for the easy teleportation, there are a lot of new people joining Garuda, it makes for interesting times.
4) I was invited to a wedding! This should be great fun, Elianna and Bigpapa are having a traditional Tarutaru wedding, so in the meantime, I'm going to help with a Bachelor's party or something. Hmmm, but where to go for that...Seeing how Whitegate is lag central, unless the Hostel gets separated from that (ie instanced), not interested in that slow zone. Valkurm, perhaps.
5) Did some Hakutaku fighting, and realized that I need to adjust my mules and line things up, so I will probably have to take a whole day just to do that. My MH, ML, and ST are all cluttered. There's a new (at least to me) item called "9-Drawer Almirah" that gives 7 storage spaces each! That's almost double from the cabinet layout that I was using for mine. Maybe if I can gather enough of those for all my mules to have 80 storage, then I can adjust my own setup to assist more with Goldsmithing, a bit of lightning or Fire depending on what I'm crafting at the time.
6) Just last night, had a fun run of Assaults with the old GYS crew, so that brings me up to 10/25 for next promotion, I really haven't been doing those recently, shame on me, I know.
7) Tried to go skilling with Eck for old times' sake, but I fell asleep in the middle of fighting a Steelshell! ><; Orz, sorry about that Eck ><; Thanks for the D2 when you finished it off, I was dead to the world apparantly, thought I'd have an hour left in me with the aid of the drink, guess not.

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Monday, May 07, 2007

So the chains were broken...

...finally, after much delay, CoP was beaten for the time being with the defeat of Promathia, the Twilight God (Daddy!) with the aid of great friends from GYS, including Eckardt, who I'm proud to say, despite me poking him into CoP originally, finished the series ahead of me while I took a vacation, got his Tamas Ring! Being the friend that he is, he was one of a few who prodded me into getting mine complete, and came along to revisit CoP 8-3 and 8-4. However, just as the Red Mage is a Warrior Mystic, I do work on all such, my choice differed when offered the choice of relics by the Cardinal: I chose the Rajas Ring:

But that is getting to the end before the details of the beginning, isn't it? Forgive the poor quality of my pictures, sometimes it's hard to take good shots while not actually holding the camera, you know? But I went back down memory lane to start pulling up pictures of a few of the members that mean so much to me, in particular the ones who kept reminding me to complete CoP and gave me the inspiration to continue on when our original static had split.

Eckardt: I remember dragging you to the earlier promies, and then CoP times diverged for us, but we met back up at mammets, I think, and from then on, you were the power within our static, and wanted to make sure that we both made it to the end, even when vacations and static splits tried to keep that from happening. I appreciate you for all that, and for always being true to your way of honor. Also, the duties of group photographer is something we all appreciate, even as I swipe that picture from your collection, as all mine of you came out rather blah >.>

Valynne: I can't think of words in the English language to describe the kindness and selflessness of this wonderful woman. Very atypical Elvaan from those you meet in general, always has the best interests of her friends before herself. Sadly my pictures were my no means optimal of Val, but updated today on 05/21/07, she donated me a picture from our run through 8-2 so I could have a much more modern version. You can still lend your grace to my song anyday, hon. Mamboleo? xD

The CoP static: Vitehite, Bryer, Anubahnnu (I repeatedly misspelled that :P), Azean, Toree, Mirrodin, Cerene, and all those who helped our core along the way. CoP is a daunting task as it is, but with a reliable core group, it makes it that much less daunting. Thank you all for being willing to endure through to the depths of the sea. A special thanks to Vite - your leadership and prior experience was invaluable, thanks for sharing your experience with us!

GraveyardShift LS: For helping the adopted one out with the final battles of CoP though you'd all completed it already. I appreciate it more than can be said through these simple words. Though my times have caused me to drift from your presence a lot, I'm still supporting you in spirit. Sumiko, Dahoman, Kaname, Keana, thanks for helping to shatter some pottery and save our realm yet again from the God of Twilight's rebirth.

Time has shifted around me now...and a large part of me feels lost in this land with which I am so familiar. Not the path around, but merely trying to find my place in this world again. Would seem like I would be more active, but right now, I think I'm still adjusting to the shift, been very tiring working out in the heat instead of the cool nights that I was used to having, haha!

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

As if ye didn't know!

You scored as Red Mage. Red Mage. What are you? A black Mage? A White Mage? A Warrior? You can be all three! You can fight solo later in the game, and, yes you get the mighty pimp hat.

Red Mage - 100%

Black Mage - 75%

Paladin - 75%

White Mage - 72%

Bard - 59%

Summoner/Beastmaster - 59%

Ninja - 53%

Samurai - 47%

Ranger - 47%

Thief - 47%

Dragoon - 41%

Dark Knight - 38%

Warrior - 25%

Final Fantasy 11 Job

Created with

SMN/BST (combined WHY?!?)

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