Staging Points.
Well, we did a little run through the other night to Dvucca Isle Staging Point. That was annoying, but with Escape, I managed to escape unscathed. Sadly, it casted to slow to save all the rest of the PT. T.T Got out with the WHM and the DRG bit it. Got them raised, and we dashed on towards our goal. At the boats, danger! Soulflayers are True-Sight, when I saw it start casting burst as we all dashed past, it was like... 'Oh, Hades.' (In more colorful language of course) -- So DRG bites the dust again, and we tractor -- Raise 3, heal up, and make the final dash. Dvucca, I own you now....just getting past that Soulflayer could be a {Bio}{Tachi} trying to make the run up to Ilrusi Staging Point. Blah. But that's somewhere next on the list, the only staging point left, and then I need to start doing some Assaults.
Verrick decided to point out to me the other day that his favorite kitty, Chafarrra is now a level 48 BLU. Instead of the hint that we needed to level our RDM & BRD again, the frustrating reply I send >>Verrick: Sweet, she's still in party range! Or something to that effect. Catching everyone's schedules together is annoying, good thing that's a sometime static xD But yes, it seems Verrick is actively wanting to play RDM. He too has been seduced by the power and wrath that can be evoked by the mere mention of the legends! Muahahahaha!
RDM is 69, testimony well as a BLM test and WAR test. O.o We went to Beadeaux, and lo and behold, the first ruby Quadav we fought dropped a RDM test and a ruby! Then, we decided to fight the Ancient, which dropped the WAR test, then a Sapphire Quad that dropped the BLM. The Darksteel Quad didn't drop a PLD test, so we were content with 3/4 ^^ Stuffing those in storage for when our WAR static gets to that point, and the BLM goes up about 22 more levels. Stayed there a while helping another RDM get his test, while skilling up elemental magic with the nuke & sleep tactics. Sleep -- nuke nuke -- Sleep -- Aspir -- nuke nuke -- Sleep And so the process went until it dropped dead.
Die in Mass. Hmmmm. Verrick keeps telling me the joys of this. I will have to do it one day, but not really sure of the strategies and such, will have to do much reading and all, and generally follow around the crowd while there, lol.
I actually have a few pics this time, even though I can't do the nice edit and shrink thing, so you get the full SE trademark and everything on them. Anyway, without further ado, one of Tess & i while leveling our RDM & COR together out by Colibri-ville. xD
Guan & Tess
And here's Verrick and I out in Western Altepa, during that party with Kenshin and Iamweasel, where Ryos pulled out his old WAR to help us with tank duty. That's the BST that you read about on his blog. (Admit it, you know you read his already) ^^
Guan & Verrick
Verrick decided to point out to me the other day that his favorite kitty, Chafarrra is now a level 48 BLU. Instead of the hint that we needed to level our RDM & BRD again, the frustrating reply I send >>Verrick: Sweet, she's still in party range! Or something to that effect. Catching everyone's schedules together is annoying, good thing that's a sometime static xD But yes, it seems Verrick is actively wanting to play RDM. He too has been seduced by the power and wrath that can be evoked by the mere mention of the legends! Muahahahaha!
RDM is 69, testimony well as a BLM test and WAR test. O.o We went to Beadeaux, and lo and behold, the first ruby Quadav we fought dropped a RDM test and a ruby! Then, we decided to fight the Ancient, which dropped the WAR test, then a Sapphire Quad that dropped the BLM. The Darksteel Quad didn't drop a PLD test, so we were content with 3/4 ^^ Stuffing those in storage for when our WAR static gets to that point, and the BLM goes up about 22 more levels. Stayed there a while helping another RDM get his test, while skilling up elemental magic with the nuke & sleep tactics. Sleep -- nuke nuke -- Sleep -- Aspir -- nuke nuke -- Sleep And so the process went until it dropped dead.
Die in Mass. Hmmmm. Verrick keeps telling me the joys of this. I will have to do it one day, but not really sure of the strategies and such, will have to do much reading and all, and generally follow around the crowd while there, lol.
I actually have a few pics this time, even though I can't do the nice edit and shrink thing, so you get the full SE trademark and everything on them. Anyway, without further ado, one of Tess & i while leveling our RDM & COR together out by Colibri-ville. xD
Guan & Tess
And here's Verrick and I out in Western Altepa, during that party with Kenshin and Iamweasel, where Ryos pulled out his old WAR to help us with tank duty. That's the BST that you read about on his blog. (Admit it, you know you read his already) ^^
Guan & Verrick